Contact our office to speak directly with a weight-loss specialist at 808-561-5511.
Understanding Morbid Obesity
What is Morbid Obesity?
Morbid obesity means that a person is so overweight that his or her well being,
health and life are actually in jeopardy. It is defined in several different
1) Weighing more than 100 pounds over your ideal body weight.
The ideal body weight is determined by the Metropolitan Life Insurance table,
which has been in existence for many years (since 1959). These tables are based
on mathematical formulas that the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company used to
determine insurance risks. Most doctors have gotten away from using this table
because it is very difficult to use (with separate categories for "frame size,"
and for men and women) and can be inaccurate.
2) A Body Mass Index (BMI) equal to or greater than 35 Kg/M2 - defined
as weight (kilograms)/height2 (meters) - in a person who has associated medical
problems. These include high blood pressure, sleep apnea, or diabetes.
The BMI relates one's weight to his or her height in an attempt to generate
a common denominator for all individuals.
3) A Body Mass Index (BMI) equal to or greater than 40 Kg/M2 in a person
who either does or does not have other medical problems. Use our free
online BMI calculator [File Name: bmi-calculator.php] to determine your BMI.
Morbid Obesity and CoMorbidities
It is estimated that over 400,000 people per year die in the U.S. alone of causes
directly attributable to obesity. Patients who are considered morbidly obese have
a significantly higher chance of the following (as compared to individuals who
are not overweight):
· Dying prematurely - morbidly obese individuals have a 300-500% greater chance
of dying before the age of 76.
· Developing medical problems including diabetes (1200% higher), high blood
pressure (500-600% higher) and heart disease (200-400% higher).
· Developing certain types of cancers such as colon, prostate, cervical, breast,
and uterine cancer.
· Developing premature degenerative arthritis and joint pain causing limited
mobility and activity.
· Developing Sleep Apnea and Pulmonary Hypertension (which leads to heart failure
and potentially death). Morbid Obesity and Morbid Obesity Surgery Weight-Loss
Surgery works - and it changes lives
In general, patients who are able to lose weight by conventional or non-surgical
means should do so rather than having surgery. Unfortunately, only 3-5% of individuals
who diet are successful at both losing weight and keeping it off long term.
Surgery is a very effective and successful method of effecting long-term weight
loss. In 1991 and again in 1998, a panel of medical experts convened by the
US National Institutes of Health issued the statement that: "Only surgery has
proven effective over the long term as treatment for severe obesity and should
be considered the standard of care for all patients who have failed dietary
attempts at weight loss."
Surgery is certainly more risky than dieting; however, in the hands of an experienced
surgeon, the risks of surgery are lower than the long-term risks to one's health
and longevity caused by obesity.
Contact our office to speak directly
with a weight-loss specialist at 808-561-5511 or toll free at (866) WLS DOCS